Autodesk Apps
Meksystems offers a wide variety of Autodesk Exchange Apps with the goal of alleviating the need of time-consuming manual routines by CAD-designers and engineers, increasing productivity and allowing more time for innovative creation.
To download our apps, please head to our Autodesk Appstore page.
Codesystems Finland’s Autodesk Exchange Apps are now distributed by Meksystems!
Codesystems’ Apps are now distributed by Meksystems!

Drawing Symbol Library
Copies Sketched Symbols and AutoCAD Blocks from template drawing to active drawing.
Inventor 2022-2025

Flat Pattern Extents to Parameters
Saves the sheet metal part’s extents information to the Inventor parameters.
Inventor 2022-2025

Corner Round All
Make Corner Rounds for all sharp edges in flat pattern with one command.
Inventor 2022-2025

PDF AutoSave Premium
Automatically saves Drawing to PDF during save. Includes additional options for file naming.
Inventor 2022-2025

AutoUpdate Copied Properties
Update copied properties from the model into Drawing automatically during save.
Inventor 2022-2025

Clean Working Folder
Select folder and remove files from corresponding Working Folder.
Vault 2022-2025
Custom Applications
Alongside Autodesk Exchange Apps that are available for everyone to download, Meksystems also produces custom applications for various products and design purposes. If your company has a need for a specific type of application solution, we hope to be able to help through our custom application development services.