Codesystems Finland’s Autodesk Exchange Apps are now distributed by Meksystems!
Codesystems’ Apps are now distributed by Meksystems!
QR Code for Drawing
Note for Inventor users enabling the add-in!
Note! Inventor 2025 users has to install completely new version. Check all versions from Autodesk Apps Store. |
Generate QR Codes for Inventor Drawings based on Inventor properties.
To start the app-in, click the QR Code logo under the Annotate tab, CodeSystems panel.
Element | Description |
iProperty Name | Enter iProperty |
Drawing/Model | iProperty Source |
Size in px | Bitmap size in pixels. |
Encoding | QR Code encoding type. |
Margin | Margin around the bitmap. |
Offset in cm | Offset in centimeters from selected corner. |
Orientation | Orientation in Drawing border. Note! There must be a border in drawing. |
Product Page | Opens the product page in your web browser. |
Info | Opens a window with workstation information. More information below. |
App-in Information
In Info page you’ll find the general information regarding platform, the app-in and Inventor. If you want to contact us for support, please click Copy to Clipboard and then Start Contact Form. The contact form will appear and you can paste information and describe your problem.
This is a freeware software. If you like to have a company specific QR code generator with special requirements e.g. Vault jobprocessor update, please see our Custom Application design and development service.
Note! If you cannot get QR code picture in your drawing check that your virus protection allows Inventor to connect to the internet and allows Google to create a QR code image.
Custom Applications
Alongside Autodesk Exchange Apps that are available for everyone to download, Meksystems also produces custom applications for various products and design purposes. If your company has a need for a specific type of application solution, we hope to be able to help through our custom application development services.