Copy to Assembly is an application for copying files effectively to the Inventor assembly from Autodesk Vault.

Customer challenge

Customer has a wide variety of iLogic driven Inventor modules for quotation purposes. All modules are stored as templates in Autodesk Vault. Also, those modules include named Composite iMates which are used to automatize connecting modules together. The challenge is copying and inserting the files to the Inventor assembly.

Customer’s standard process without Meksystems’ application


  1. User starts a new assembly in Inventor.
  2. User selects the correct product from template library in Vault, right-click: Copy Design…
  3. User selects the variable models for copy and target Folder: Copy To
  4. User gives the quotation-based naming for the models above.
  5. Execute Copy, Exit from Copy Design.
  6. New assembly is now ready for use, right-click:  Insert into CAD places assembly to active Inventor assembly.

Process with Meksystems’ application


  1. User starts a new assembly in Inventor, saves it to quotation folder with quotation code.
  2. User selects the correct product from template library in Vault, right-click: Copy to Assembly
  3. Meksystems’s application copies the new variable models with the quotation-based naming to the same folder where active quotation assembly is located. After copying, it will place the new module in active Inventor assembly, goes through all the composite iMates and if related iMates are found connect modules together.


The copying time was shortened dramatically also avoiding errors during copying.

See also Copy and Replace application we made to the same customer solving the same copy challenge in Inventor environment.


This application is tailor made for enterprise use. Therefore, pricing is varying from 5000 – 15000 EUR/USD /site regarding customer needs and complexity of the models.