Promote to next state application moves both files and items to the next state by one click.
Customer challenge
Customer is working with both files (not only Inventor files) and items in Vault Professional. Changing lifecycle with normal procedure is time-taking and noticeable is that Vault item is made only “sales-item” levels. So, every component doesn’t have item card. Customer’s Lifecycle has more than 10 different status stages with several different user groups with different permissions, so the standard process is very time-taking and it is very vulnerable for errors in 30 users environment.
Normal vault process without Meksystems’ application
- User selects the sub-assembly and right-click Change State
- User will confirm that all related sub-components and drawings are included, and correct state is selected (depends of user’s group permissions), OK
- User selects the updated sub-assembly and right-click Assign / Update Item.
- User accepts the updated Item, Save, Exit Edit Mode
- User selects Actions > Change State, in Vault item card
- User will choose the correct state, (depends of user’s group permissions), Save and close for the Vault item.
Process with Meksystems’ application
- User select correct Vault item in Item Master, right-click Promote to Next State
- User gets dialog where all related items and files are listed which can be promoted to the next state. Note! There are multiple files which don’t have Vault item card. OK, will make all the necessary updated and state changes based on user’s permission group.