Custom Applications
Together with our sister company CodeSystems Finland Inc., MekSystems have produced solutions for over two thousand companies worldwide. CodeSystems provides the highest standard solutions for both Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Vault users. You can find these solutions more easily through the Autodesk Apps Store. MekSystems, on the other hand, focuses on successful customer-specific consulting, training, and customized additional software.
Remote working
We work very well on remote environment using MS Teams, TeamViewer and GoToMeeting. Remote working eliminates the traveling cost and response for challenges is almost immediate.
Below you’ll find examples of our enterprise solutions we have provided to our customers world-wide.
Copy to Project
Copy to Project is application for copying files effectively to the project in Autodesk Vault. Customer challenge Customer's designing is project oriented based on large number of standard and variable modules. All together approx. 30 designers are involved this process. Challenge was copying [...]
Promote to next state
Promote to next state application moves both files and items to the next state by one click. Customer challenge Customer is working with both files (not only Inventor files) and items in Vault Professional. Changing lifecycle with normal procedure is time-taking and noticeable [...]
Inventor BOM by Color
Customer Challenge Customer has a wide variety of modularized assemblies which are used to create customer specific products. However, their customer can define the colors of the components from RAL color chart. So, the number of possible color combinations is almost infinite. Color [...]
DWF to PDF in Vault server
Customer challenge Our customer has a generic document management system where they are storing all documents regarding their products. Engineering department is using Vault for keeping track of engineering related documentation and revisioning. Engineering department exported both AutoCAD and Inventor drawings to PDF, [...]
Copy to Assembly
Copy to Assembly is an application for copying files effectively to the Inventor assembly from Autodesk Vault. Customer challenge Customer has a wide variety of iLogic driven Inventor modules for quotation purposes. All modules are stored as templates in Autodesk Vault. Also, those [...]
Copy and Replace in Inventor
Copy and Replace (and Copy and Place) is an application for copying files effectively inside Autodesk Inventor. Customer challenge Customer has a wide variety of iLogic driven Inventor modules for quotation purposes. The challenge is copying modules fast and accurate inside quotation assembly. [...]
Pictorial Parts List in Inventor
Meksystems provided a set of automatized routines for our customer regarding creation of product installation instructions in Autodesk Inventor. Pictorial Parts List command is one of those routines. Customer challenge Our customer is creating 3D products based on standardized modules. The 2D installation [...]