Meksystems as a Company
Successful product design is more than powerful tools. Products need to be launched faster and faster: Marketing, sales, buying, manufacturing and design are all in the same boat, which seeks to leverage our neighbors’ knowledge to optimize product development. For more than two decades, MekSystems staff has been helping its customers with product design development.
Meksystems: Product Design Developer
Meksystems is only a decade old as a company but its employees and backgrounds have more than two decades of experience in Finnish design and information management solutions and related consulting.
Together with out sister company CodeSystems Finland Inc., we have produced solutions for over two thousand companies worldwide. CodeSystems provides the highest standard solutions for both Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Vault users. You can find these solutions more easily through the Autodesk Apps Store. Meksystems, on the other hand, focuses on successful customer-specific consulting, training, and customized additional software.
Turn your problem from challenges into solutions with Meksystems
We have selected the Finnish manufacturing SME sector as our target group, which designs and manufactures products from design chairs to paper machines. We do not underestimate any industry, but we do our part to help our customers find solutions to make your products even more successful in global competition.
Partnership is our most important value. Partnership is the process of bringing together the knowledge, know-how and values of the affiliate companies to create value for all parties.
Our other values are:
- the success of our customer
- customer-oriented approach to challenges
- profitable growth
- sustainable development
Meksystems is a small and efficient company. We have networked with many domestic and foreign companies in the field. This is how we can provide our customers with just the right solutions as a prime supplier.
A reliable and responsible Finnish company
Meksystems Oy has been awarded with the highest category ‘Gold AAA’ rating by Bisnode Oy, a Nordic credit rating agency. Requirements for getting the highest credit rating are among others: Significantly better than average financial ratios, positive background and payment behavior, and sufficient volume of operations.
Similarly, our company has been awarded the Bisnode Dun & Bradstreet Lowest Credit Risk certificate.